Alternative to Ruby’s const_defined? method

Today I wrote a bit of code in a base class which checks to see if a constant named “EXPORT_MAPPING” was defined. I’m not a Ruby expert, so off to Professor Google I go, and all the references I could find say to use the “const_defined?” method, thus resulting in the following implementation:


Now, since the intention here is to facilitate multiple levels of inheritance, I have a subclass called “ImageSlideshowComponent”, and a subclass of that “NivoSlideshowComponent”. ImageSlideshowComponent contains the EXPORT_MAPPING definition, with the intention of NivoSlideshowComponent simply inheriting it. Which is sort of does. We correctly see if it we do this:


However, invoking the following gives us “false”:


Clearly I’ve misunderstood the intention of the “const_defined?” method. It seems to only indicate if the class in question itself has defined the constant.

Here is the revised code block from the superclass which works correctly:


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